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The GraphQL Foundation is here to help.

Contact the GraphQL Foundation

The GraphQL Foundation is supported by staff from The Linux Foundation. If you have questions, please reach out to us using the links below.

Please note that we do not provide user support for GraphQL. If you have an implementation question, please use the relevant community channels.

Membership Inquiries#

If you would like to learn more about becoming a GraphQL member, please email

Membership Support#

If you are already a member of the GraphQL Foundation and you need help with your membership, please reach out to

Meeting Logistics#

Governing board and Working Group members who need help with meeting logistics (setting up a Zoom conference, adding or changing a calendar entry, designating an alternate representative, etc.) can reach out to with their request.

Media Inquiries#

For media inquiries, please reach out to

Technical Issues#

To report a technical issue with GraphQL, please use the community channels.


For all other inquiries, please email

Our mailing address is:

GraphQL Foundation
548 Market St
PMB 57274
San Francisco, California
94104-5401 US

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